Nipplewort and Sherpherd's purse play major roles this month, as ingredients in a seven-herb rice porridge. Eaten on 7th January each year, the tradition is kept to ward off evil. Some chanting is also involved the night
唐土の鳥と、 日本の鳥と、 渡らぬ先に、 七種なずな、 手につみ入れて、 亢觜斗張となる If anyone can translate this well, please do let me know.... I personally welcome this tradition, too many delicious treats and delicacies make a plain porridge style dish the perfect cleanse for the overworked digestive system, bringing the body into balance ready for the year ahead. From this day I usually abstain from alcohol for one month in order to cleanse even more. Recently with its love of fundraising activities the UK has started DRYATHLON- which encourages people to give up alcohol for the month of January and raise money for important health research. |